By: Queenie Marie Daquio
Three wheels scratched the road as six people laughed and talked. The trip was rather bumpy, but their stronghold made it worthy and happy.
Our dreams and aspirations are our main driving force to continue living. We vie in this world of competition in order to survive and provide. We shrug off every hurdle that comes our way including our exhaustion, even hunger, and the changing weather, just for us to focus and accomplish our goals. These are the hardships that people have to face in chasing success yet, it is nothing for the parents who carry not just their own but also their family’s desires and ambitions.
The Julian Family is a family of six. The father, Mr. Rommel Julian is a tricycle driver. After Mr. Julian sends his wife and children to their different schools, he will then proceed on picking up passengers and driving them to their destinations. This has been his daily routine for five years. And despite the tight competition due to the arising number of tricycles, Mr. Julian did not let it hinder him. His determination to sustain the needs of the family made everything possible.
On the other hand, Mrs. Vivien Julian is a teacher. She teaches gifted and talented students at Panabo Central Elementary School SPED Center and has been teaching for 11 years. She is also currently taking her master’s degree at Philippine Normal College. She does all of these and would still be able to cook food for her family and converse with them. She multi-tasks as her determination to make her children’s life better is stronger than the exhaustion and stress from all of her responsibilities.
Just like most families, they also struggle financially. As their children grow, expenses, and needs also arise. There are instances where the income of both Mr. and Mrs. Julian was barely enough. But as amazing as they could be, they always find ways. They would often sell products such as lumpia and mani for extra income. And with Mrs. Julian’s incredible ways of budgeting and managing money, they would eventually sustain their family’s needs and necessities.
However, despite the difficulties that Mr. and Mrs. Julian faced, their hard work paid off as their children excel in their school. The eldest, a BSED English student of Davao del Norte State College, Roi Vincent, is a consistent honor student since elementary and is now a consistent Dean’s Lister. Reigna Valerie and Reigh Vyne are also consistent honor students. And their youngest, Viency Rhianne, aside from being a consistent honor student, is a woman dart player who has competed internationally. These prove that despite Mr. and Mrs. Julian devoting themselves to their jobs, they are still able to raise their children into wonderful individuals – breaking the stigma that if both parents work, children end up on the wrong path.
Their family is the epitome of unity and the power of determination. By connecting with each other, offering support and love, and dedicating themselves to the betterment of their family, they were able to thrive amidst adversities. They all share the same vision. They share their dreams and aspiration. They move, grow, and dream as one. Hoping that together, they would succeed.
As three wheels scratch the road, six people were heard laughing and talking. Conversing about their life, recent happenings, and plans. The trip was rather bumpy, the road has potholes and was muddy, but their stronghold made the journey worthy and happy.
The three-wheel vehicle rides toward success, carrying a family’s vision and dreams. And yes, it was a tricycle, but it was fueled with not just diesel. It was filled with a mother’s dedication to giving her children the best life and a father’s determination to carry his family toward greater heights.