Davao del Norte State College is Hiring!    

Davao del Norte State College is Hiring!  

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A premier Higher Institution in Agri-Fisheries and Socio-cultural Development in the ASEAN Region

Davao del Norte State College envisions being one of the pillars of higher education system by becoming a premier higher institution that provides agri-fisheries and socio-cultural development in the ASEAN region. To attain this, the College strives to become a University with recognized center of development and excellence; to be a beacon of knowledge; to lead innovation on uplifting lives of every Filipino family; and to be a strong advocate of nature preservation especially the agriculture and aquatic resources of the country and beyond.



DNSC strives to produce competent human resource, generate and utilize knowledge and technology, uphold good governance and quality management system for sustainable resources and resilient communities.

The College strives to achieve greater goals into becoming a University that upholds high standards in education, research, extension, and production.

Particularly, the College commits to:

  1. deliver in the areas of instruction, research, extension and production, and good governance;
  2. influence development through research, extension and production in collaboration with stakeholders; and
  3. uphold good governance and quality management system through optimum participation, accountability, transparency and adherence to the rule of law.
The College commits to pursue our vision, accomplish our mission, and achieve our goals through our core values of:
  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Innovativeness
  • Stewardship
  • Love of God and Country