The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs oversees various academic programs and departments at the graduate and undergraduate levels. It is directly responsible to the President for carrying out all educational policies, implementing all programs and projects of the institution, and supervising curricular, instructional, and other academic activities.

It supports student learning and experiences, program initiatives, and faculty support. This unit provides professional development resources for faculty and develops and implements academic policies and procedures

Offices under the Direct Supervision of the VPAR

Offices of the Deans of All-Academic Institutes

Office of the Director for Student Development and Services

Office of the College Librarian

Office of the College Registrar

Office of the Head for Student Admission

Office of the Head for NSTP

Center for Adult Education and Lifelong Learning

Center for Learning Resources and Materials Development

College Review Center

Contact Details

girley gumanao

Girley S. Gumanao, PhD

Vice President for Academic Affairs